Patents & Inventions Blog

Face Bandana

Face Bandana

Face Bandana DESCRIPTION: Most of the people who ride motorcycles will testify that motorcycle riding is

Self-Inflating Air Bed

Self-Inflating Air Bed

Self-Inflating Air Bed DESCRIPTION: The air mattress or air bed has been utilized for sleeping since

Portable Pet Stairs

Portable Pet Stairs

Portable Pet Stairs DESCRIPTION: Human beings have enjoyed the companionship of pets for thousands of years

Paint Brush Guide

Paint Brush Guide

Paint Brush Guide DESCRIPTION: The occupation of painting has been around for as long as there

Top it or Stop it

Top it or Stop it

Top it or Stop it DESCRIPTION: The specific origin of the mixed drink also known as



Accumat DESCRIPTION: Bartending requires many types of responsibilities other than just mixing and serving drinks. Pouring



Temp-O-Vibe DESCRIPTION: Heat and vibrations that are above normal operating levels are the early signs of

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