Patents & Inventions Blog

Mobile Wrist Strap

Mobile Wrist Strap

Mobile Wrist Strap DESCRIPTION: The handheld mobile phone was first demonstrated in 1973. The demonstration was

Magnification Device

Magnification Device

Magnification Device DESCRIPTION: According to historical records, the telescope patent was submitted to the government of

Case Packs

Case Packs

Case Packs DESCRIPTION: Vessels utilized to carry water and other beverages developed with the early civilizations

Wet Wear

Wet Wear DESCRIPTION: Skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema fall into a group that includes

Traffic Decisions

Traffic Decisions

Traffic Decisions DESCRIPTION: Driving on the road in today’s traffic presents a variety of challenges for

Shooting Support Device

Shooting Support Device

Shooting Support Device DESCRIPTION: Competition shooting as an amateur and professional sport has existed since the

Aero Dynamic Fishing Float

Aero Dynamic Fishing Float

Aero Dynamic Fishing Float DESCRIPTION: Fishing has historically been a form of acquiring food for subsistence

Stadium Seat Table

Stadium Seat Table

Stadium Seat Table DESCRIPTION: The oldest known stadium resides in Olympia in western Peloponnese, Greece. The

Flex Track

Flex Track

Flex Track DESCRIPTION: In 1770 Richard Edgeworth conceived a continuous track system. The track was crude

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