How Can an Invention Patent Attorney Help You?

Inspiration for inventions often comes to mind spontaneously or when you are faced with a unique problem or situation. However, people may ignore their ideas because they assume someone else must have thought of them first. Don’t let self-doubt sabotage your creativity. If you believe you have a worthwhile idea for an invention, explore and research it. Talk to an invention patent attorney and learn about your options as a new inventor.

What Is an Invention Patent Attorney?

A patent attorney is a lawyer familiar with the area of intellectual property law. Specifically, they have knowledge of crucial laws pertaining to protecting and securing an inventor’s intellectual property rights. As a qualified legal professional, a patent attorney holds a license and bar membership and can represent clients in front of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. With the appropriate experience and certifications, an attorney can protect and fight for your rights as an inventor.

What Is a Patent?

A patent is an exclusive right that protects an invention against unfair competition in the marketplace for a specific period of time. This allows the inventor to financially capitalize off their useful and unique designs before opening the market to similar items. For example, pharmaceutical companies will patent a new drug, granting them time to reach the market before they must compete with generic alternatives.

The process to get a patent differs in various countries, which is why an invention patent attorney is a helpful member of an inventor’s team. The attorney understands and can work through all the necessary bureaucratic processes so you, the inventor, can focus on your work.

How Can a Patent Attorney Help?An invention patent lawyer help a client

To qualify for a patent, an invention must qualify under the four requirements of patent protection: It must be innovative, useful, novel, and non-obvious. An attorney can review your invention under an analytic and unbiased lens, helping you evaluate your odds of success in qualifying for a patent.

These legal professionals offer various services and can help you execute all necessary documentation and meet any required deadlines. In the paperwork and filings, you must differentiate your invention from previous inventions or prior art. Your attorney can make the process easier.

Also, an invention patent attorney can help with a patent search — the process of examining the full scope or prior art in your category to make sure it’s not replicating an existing patent. Such a search must be extensive, including publications and patents around the globe.

Do You Need a Patent Attorney?

Applying for a patent is a long and complex process. If you are unfamiliar with intellectual property law or do not have a natural writing ability, it is best to hire an attorney. Legal professionals, with experience in patent law understand the intricacies and complexities of the process; they can handle the research and filing while you focus on your invention.

How Do You Find an Invention Patent Attorney?

If you have a new invention and are ready to begin the patent process, you want an experienced invention patent attorney on your side. Contact Lonestar Patent Services to book an appointment and discuss your innovation.

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