Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw

Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw

Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw

Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw


The “Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw” is a unique construction and do-it-yourself product that has been designed to pull nails from lumber without damaging the wood surface. By using compressed air to power the tool, removing nails is easy and takes very little time.

The “Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw” is a durable tool and comes in multiple sizes to fit all headed nails from 4 to 16 penny, as well as larger sizes from 20 through 60 penny. A specialty tool head can be supplied for finishing nails.


When it takes a heavy, blunt object to drive a metal spike through solid wood, you definitely need something stronger than your fingers to pull it back out. Unfortunately, most tools that have been made to remove nails require manual operation and often result in damaging the surface area. The resulting damage from the extracted nail then requires additional labor and cost to either patch or completely replace the damage surface.

On construction projects, in particular, lumber that is damaged during nail extraction to the point that it can not be reused results in higher costs to both the builder and the property owner.

Furthermore, lumber that is wasted because of nail extraction damage during construction and or demolition has a proven negative environmental impact. Many landfills are created from demolition and construction waste and the reduction of sustainable forests where tress can grow larger for greater use can be contributed to the waste of wood materials.

The “Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw” was created specifically to eliminate these problems and designed for comfortable, easy use on any job site. With this air powered tool nail extraction from lumber is done easily and cleanly.

The durable extractor and angular grippers, inside the barrel, go into the wood slightly past the nail head until the gripper tips are touching the nail shaft. Once the user pulls the trigger, the air cylinder extracts the nail.

When the trigger is released, the nails drop out of the extractor and the user can place the nail on the magnetized surface outside of the barrel of the gun or can discard them completely.

With the “Nail Remover Pneumatic Claw,” pulling nails takes very little time and effort and the money saved on the lumber is significant!

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