




The product is designed for fishermen as a combination fish landing net and weight scale to obtain the accurate fresh weight of a captured fish at the time of netting.  The digital weight of the captured fish is displayed in the unique design of the “Netweight”. The weight is conveniently displayed by simply twisting the bottom section of the handle counter clockwise and then pulling down. With Netweight, the landing and weighing of the fish is done simultaneously.


Many expert fishermen believe that it is most desirable to weigh the catch as soon as possible after netting. The fisherman thus obtains the proper “fresh” weight before drying or deterioration can effect a reduction of the weight of the catch.

Careful measurements are also required in regions where State Game and Fish Commissions limit the catch to fish of a particular length and weight.  With the “Netweight,” fishermen need not worry about inaccurate weight measurements.

With a simple manipulation of the landing net device, the fisherman can immediately and accurately determine the weight of the netted fish without risking the possible escape of the captured fish during the weighing process. With Netweight, the fisherman lands and accurately calculates the weight of the fish simultaneously.

By merely holding the fish in the net, the fisherman can easily open the handle to reveal the weight display screen to obtain an accurate weight measurement. By using the controls placed near the display, the fisherman can save the weight of the fish in internal memory or can send the information to an external device through the USB port.

Although the overall appearance of the “Netweight” is that of a standard landing net, where the rod and hoop are made of durable rubber material, there are clear advantages of its structure beyond the digital weight display, recording, and sending capabilities. A flexible nylon net made of a material of suitable flexibility and tensile strength for capturing game fish is attached to the hoop. In the event the material should be accidentally torn, it can be quickly and easily removed and replaced with new netting. This is a convenience not found on most fishing nets currently on the market. Fishermen will only need to replace the netting rather than replacing the entire device.

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