The rise of artificial intelligence and what’s beyond smartphones

Phones are no longer simply “smart” — they are equipped with everything you need to navigate modern life. And they’re only getting smarter — the artificial intelligence (AI) that we interact with every day is making the move to become a fully fledged, reliable personal assistant.

With innovation at fever pitch in India and beyond, redefining the “smart” in smartphone is no mean feat. It means anticipating the needs of the consumer, and ensuring that a device is fully equipped to integrate into everyday life without causing disruption or inconvenience.

Meet Arbo.

As the resident PA that resides in the Panasonic Eluga Ray series of smartphones, Arbo could be to you what Jarvis is to Iron Man, given half the chance. Arbo is redefining just how smart your phone really is — from the moment you wake up ‘til you head back to sleep your artificial assistant will be on hand to guide you through the day.

Gone are the days when you’ll forget your morning meeting, your significant other’s birthday or to pick up your dry cleaning — Arbo is on hand to make sure the little things run smoothly, leaving you with head space to tackle the everyday.

Leading a more streamlined lifestyle with thanks to an AI assistant comes with benefits greater than remembering to join that early morning conference call. Being on top of your workload and tidying up your cluttered calendar will make for a more successful, effective you. Concentration comes easier when things are well organised, and stress levels decrease. Smart really does bring more chill to your life.

AI is definitely redefining how our devices are integrating with our lives, but the next generation of mobile isn’t just about smarts — it’s powerful output, long battery life and devices that you can actually rely on all day long. That said, there’s much more to the next gen Eluga Ray series of Panasonic smartphones.

The phones are built to target every annoyance you may currently feel at your smartphone. Slow charging, short battery life, inefficient output, smashed screens, and a lack of storage are all features that could be giving you a smartphone headache, so the next generation of mobile is aiming to make these issues obsolete.

The Panasonic Eluga Ray series of smartphones charges fast, lasts the whole day and is powered by some of the fastest, most efficient tech on offer. With a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 4GB of RAM as standard, you’ll see no barrier to your multitasking — Arbo will be free to assist you without delay. Add to this a Gorilla Glass screen, watertight security permissions and plenty of storage options you’ll find the answers to all of your smartphone woes in one neat device, ready to go.

It’s time to let Arbo bring next generation smarts to your palm.

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