Patents & Inventions Blog

Kitty Faucet

Kitty Faucet

Kitty Faucet DESCRIPTION: A uniquely designed product that allows cats who love to drink from a

Popcorn Distribution Machine

Popcorn Distribution Machine

Popcorn Distribution Machine DESCRIPTION: The “Popcorn Distribution Machine” is a unique method that uses Popcorn to

Mailbox Locking Panel

Mailbox Locking Panel

Mailbox Locking Panel DESCRIPTION: The “Mailbox Locking Panel” is a unique product designed to prevent mail

Travel Pillow

Travel Pillow

Travel Pillow DESCRIPTION: The “Travel Pillow” is a uniquely designed pillow created to protect travelers of

Cell Phone Safety Cord

Cell Phone Safety Cord

Cell Phone Safety Cord DESCRIPTION: The device is a uniquely designed cellular phone protective cover that

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